Infusion device analyser calibration services are available exclusively at our Durham based laboratory. Traceable to national standards calibration is available on all makes and models of unit to ensure high levels of accuracy in this important area of biomedical testing.
Infusion device analysers, often shortened to IDA in the healthcare sector are used to test the safety and accuracy of infusion pumps. Infusion pumps are electronic pieces of equipment designed to control the administration of fluids to a patient over a specific period of time.
Clinicians use infusion device analysers, such as the Rigel Multi-Flo to provide automated testing of infusion pumps (up to 4 at a time running simultaneously) to ensure quick a quick and effective return to service. Calibration of infusion device analysers involves comparison with a standard of higher accuracy and owing to the complex nature and timescales involved with these tests is only available at our laboratory.
Healthcare figures suggest an estimated 80% of patients require some form of intravenous fluid administration. The extensive use of infusion pumps and the need to verify these regularly with infusion device analysers means all devices in the chain back to the patient must be working within specified parameters to ensure patients get safe and effective care. Any drift in readings can lead to patients getting the wrong treatment, which may impact on their overall condition.
Calibrationhouse through development and in service maintenance of the Rigel Multi-Flo has developed a robust and accurate procedure for calibration of infusion device analysers developed by all biomedical test equipment manufacturers. Infusion device analyser calibration benefits from our rapid turnaround laboratory calibration service.
The Calibrationhouse team recommends that all infusion device analysers are calibrated at least once a year. The team keep a record of calibration dates in order to provide annual reminders for following year’s calibrations. Electronic traceable certificates are provided as standard.
Calibrationhouse is a leading supplier to the NHS, private healthcare and medical device manufacturer sectors and understands the hugely significant role these devices play in the safety and smooth operations of these organisations.
Our team of expert technicians are on hand to help you with any queries you have about calibration, servicing or repair.
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