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39 Years


Lux Meter Calibration

Highly accurate lux meter calibration services

Lux meters are sometimes more commonly referred to as light or luminance meters, they are small portable devices used specifically to measure the level of light in a specific location. They are highly sensitive instruments used across a wide variety of industries and even within professional sport (cricket to measure light levels are safe enough for play). There are many different types of light meters available, but it is worth noting that all are designed to be highly accurate and versatile across a wide range of applications. Some advanced models have memory and data logging functions to allow real time records of light levels to be monitored.

Depending on the model and specifications of the lux meter, light measurements or brightness may be recorded in the following measuring unit’s lux (lx), candela per square metre (cd/m2), or footcandles (fc). Some of the most common applications for these devices are as follows:

  • Measuring level of light in public places, homes, or working environments to ensure health and safety guidelines are adhered to.
  • Measuring level of light within a cinema, photographic studio, film set or art studio to ensure users and customers get the best possible experience and results.
  • Professional sport to ensure professional cricket can be played safely without risk to player safety.
  • Within nurseries or other crop growing facilities to ensure plants get enough light to grow.

Modern digital light meters have highly accurate sensors, so the precision measurements can drift over time like any other instrument. Periodic lux meter calibration is therefore essential to help maintain long term performance and accuracy of these devices. Calibrationhouse boasts access to a high-tech light source simulator ensuring a highly accurate and rapid turnaround lux meter calibration services. Onsite calibration is not available.

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