Just about everyone has used a ruler, steel rule, line gauge, yard stick or straight edge during their lifetime and like any other measurement instrument these devices can fall out of manufacturer specification leading to measurement error. Some people do not see the value in calibration of such a basic instrument, which is fine if the measurement is for indication only, but if it is being used to measure or monitor process or product quality then it needs to be calibrated as part of ISO9001 Certification.
As with most dimensional tools they do not drift much when compared with the manufacturer specification, but it is important to recognise changes in the environment in which they operate. Changes in temperature, storage or level of use a basic ruler has can impact on its capability to make accurate measurements.
Calibrationhouse offers steel ruler calibration services onsite at customers premises and in its state of the art laboratory in County Durham. Prices and turnaround times are competitive whether these devices are part of a larger list of assets or single items sent to us for periodic calibration.
Our team of expert technicians are on hand to help you with any queries you have about calibration, servicing or repair.
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