A vernier or vernier caliper is a simple measuring device used to precisely measure linear dimensions, essentially a straight line between two different points. Vernier calipers are one of the most common instruments seen in a variety of industries from manufacturing to healthcare, accuracy and calibration on these instruments can be down as low as one tenth of a millimetre meaning regular calibration is a necessity.
Historically Calibrationhouse does not see dimensional tools such as vernier calipers drift much over the course of their useful life, but this does not mean that regular calibration of these devices should not be undertaken. Most leading manufacturers recommend calibration at least every 12 months, it is often beneficial to look at calibration results over time and monitor how the device is performing against its specification over a certain period and adjusting calibration periods accordingly.
Calibrationhouse offers vernier calibration services onsite at customers premises and in its state of the art laboratory in County Durham. Prices and turnaround times are competitive whether these devices are part of a larger list of assets or single items sent to us for periodic calibration.
Our team of expert technicians are on hand to help you with any queries you have about calibration, servicing or repair.
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